Joseph James is a former U.S. Marine and Law Enforcement veteran, business owner, father, motivational speaker and life coach. Joseph has spoken in many venues across the nation and has helped thousands of people understand their purpose in life.

If you’re not willing to work on your success then I am not your guy.

If you’re looking at me to HEAL your marriage,
then you’re looking at the wrong person
However, what I can do is help you heal your marriage by allowing God to do what He does best.
You see, I was just like you. Married, kids, business, Christian and yet I had problems, no peace and just going through the motions of being married.
I was pursuing God, I was faithful and even traveled the world preaching!
I didn’t realize until after my wife passed away of cancer leaving me with 3 young children that I wasn’t doing what God called me to do or who he called me to be.
If you’re not willing to work on your Marriage the way God intended a man to live, love and serve then I am not your guy.
Your children are yours, they don’t belong to society or social media
That’s right, you need to cultivate a relationship with your children the way God intended us to.
I remember my daughter asking me to play basketball one time and she would not stop asking, so I finally yelled at her because I was working…
She couldn’t comprehend that my work was what paid for the basketball goal, and the basketball…
I had to change my heart to be able to have a relationship with her that she and I both needed as well as how God directed us, fathers.
If you’re wanting to be that dad that puts everything in front of your kids, well then you already know…
If you want to change it then I am your man.

You’re successful in your own right but your business is in the drain…
I measured success by being able to walk away from it and it would run itself… Well I was partly right…
However, it was the way I was NOT creating a culture that was killing my business… It wasn’t the money, it was my staff that was leaving because of me.
If you’re struggling living in alignment with God, so will your marriage, business, and children…
It is all going to take 100% of you
If you’re tired of the way your life is going, your marriage, your relationship with your children or maybe even the way you operate your business then…
Here is what you can expect from me!
Intense program that will change the way you understand influence!
Transformation of your heart
New Identity in who you are and how you see yourself as a leader.

How do I know if your stuff is any good?
First thing, I am not going to put you through a program. I am going to put a program through you.
What do I mean by that?
Meaning you’re going to experience the transformations; you’re going to live the transformations and everyone around you will not just see the transformations but will want to be a part of it as well.
I will add value to you before you decide this is right for you. I want you to go and watch some of my videos. If you see value in them then you will know that my program is the right fit for you.
about Joseph James
Alpha Leadership was founded by Joseph James after losing his father and wife 22 days apart from each other. While growing up in an abusive home and dealing with rejection, abandonment and seeking approval Joseph knows what it is like to not have an example of Godly leadership within the family. Losing his wife after 14 years of faithful marriage Joseph went searching for himself as he felt completely lost yet having to raise 3 children alone, while also growing a 7 figure business in the midst of the worlds largest pandemic. One thing he realized as he began to find himself in a new relationship with his new wife Rachel James is that he had to set aside all he thought he knew about Godly leadership, marriage, family and a business and dig deep to learn how it is supposed to be the kingdom way. Joseph has been traveling, speaking and sharing his message for well over 20 years on leadership and has recently shifted the message to build men to walk into their rightful place as Godly leaders within their marriage, family and business.
Joseph is an international award winning speaker, 7 figure entrepreneur, father of 4 children and married to his new lovely wife Rachel James. Together they are building Alpha Leadership and are coaching men and women to create stronger marriages God’s way.