It is time
for you to take back your marriage, family and business from the world.
Society has painted a picture that is quite disturbing for men, from false identities of controlling to not leading their families God’s way.

Are you just Tired?
Are you tired of trying to figure out what is missing in your life?
Are you going through the motions in life and not living fully?
Tired of your marriage being rocky, your kids in rebellion or maybe your business not as successful as you would like it to be?
Do you want more from life and relationships than what you have right now?
Are you ready to live in true alignment and have an even more loving and powerful marriage, family life and abundance in business?
Alpha Leadership is a movement, full of men and women that are working to become better leaders, spouses, parents and entrepreneurs in their life.
In the program, you will find yourself being around growth minded men or women longing to become who they were created to be and come into God’s covenant and divine purpose within themselves, their marriages, family and business.
Life, marriage, parenthood and business is hard.
It can be even harder trying to do everything on your own. Lets get equipped with the necessary tools and network of people that will help you become an even better leader, spouse, parent and entrepreneur.
This movement is not for singles… It is for those that are married/engaged men or women that are ready to take their marriage, parenting or business to the next level.
Join the ALPHA LEADERSHIP movement and UNLEASH the inner Leader God has created you to be.
it is always a struggle to balance everything in life
Who We work with

On the outside you’re full of life, expressive, upbeat attitude, and positivity. However, on the inside, you have this feeling that major areas of your life aren’t good enough. You feel empty at times, longing for more. You’ve had a taste of the better but can’t seem to get things aligned to keep that taste fresh. That empty feeling can be felt when you walk in the door at home and just know something is missing. Maybe it’s your relationship with your wife, your children, something not right at the business. Maybe just maybe it is not any of them, but it is something deep inside yourself longing to come out.

A longing to share their life with another person, to fall in love fast and hard. Loving to shower their flame with affection, trust, devotion, and passion that they feel are real. You cherish the honeymoon stage and don’t shy away from the challenges faced early on and are constantly looking to find new ways to show devotion, love, appreciation and to fix any wrongs within the relationship.

Free Spirited
You love people and value both relationships and friendships. You’re sensitive to others feelings and expectations. You feel happiest when you have the time and freedom to explore new ideas alongside those you love. You deeply value your relationship with your children and may take it personal as their children change through stages of life.
How it works

Meet Joseph James

Joseph James is a former U.S. Marine and Law Enforcement veteran, business owner, father, motivational speaker and life coach. Joseph has spoken in many venues across the nation and has helped thousands of people understand their purpose in life. He is coaching people that have gone through life’s struggles, pain and trauma to help them not just find their purpose through pain but teach them to take their pain and launch them into their destiny.